First Page
Materials And Process
What are the differences:​

-Graphic Novels are usually longer than Comic Books.
-Comic Books are known for being about superheroes or heightened realities.​
-Graphic Novels cover a wide array of genres and subject matters.​
-Graphic novels contain complete narratives.
-Comic Books need to be read to be understood as a lot of the story are in different parts.​
-Both can contain complex character designs with detailed backstories and inner conflict.
-Comic Books are produced more often than Graphic novels.​
-Comic Books can be short stories in Newspapers.​
Third Page

Between the 1930s-1960s were the golden ages of American Comic Books. These were defined by images of darkness and light. The comic book industry itself were populated by otherwise unemployable immigrants. In the mid 1930s comic books were built in the same way and style as newspapers, some of these were Flash Gordon and Tarzan.​

For the first generation of comic books, each panels were printed using offset printing. This was a very lengthy process which involved making a metal engraving for each page, this would be when the comic book was produced in a mass about so there would be less waste, now in 2024 it is much easier and cheaper to mass print modern comic books due to computers and printers. Most Graphic Novels were produced later on once technology evolved which meant that they were able to be mass produced on computers and copied multiple times to create multiple books by printing from printers
Here is my own short newspaper comic strip.